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UNC GAMMA Research Group
UNC Graphics & Imaging Analysis Research Cluster
Workshop on Edge Computing Using New Commodity Architectures (EDGE)
May 23 - 24, 2006
Chapel Hill, North Carolina
This workshop will address some recent developments on new commodity architectures, including GPUs, multi-core CPUs, the Cell processor, PPU and other emerging commodity architectures. Some of the issues to be examined in the workshop include the software challenges that arise in programming these new commodity architectures and their impact on different applications and high-performance computing. The workshop will bring together leading researchers and designers from academia, research labs, industrial organizations and federal agencies. The workshop is intended to be both technical and strategic in nature. The objectives of the workshop include the following:
To review the state-of-art research in compiler, software environments, scientific computation, high-performance computing, GPGPU, computer architecture and related areas;
To identify areas of critical needs where further research can advance the state of technology and/or where the application can provide the impetus for basic scientific development in cutting-edge computing on new commodity architectures;
To create a forum for discussion on addressing these critical issues with a constructive evaluation on research focus towards a "multidisciplinary" coordinated effort for collaboration;
To provide insights for future research directions and potential new research initiatives in these areas.
The workshop events will consist of invited presentations given by renowned researchers, panel discussions on advantages and the trade-off of various architectures and the computing needs of various applications, contributed poster presentations and live research demonstrations, and expanded breaks allowing for extensive discussion. For more detail, please refer to the following:
Full Program - includes slides for download
List of Contributed Posters & Live Demos
Focused Topics
Given the increasing power and interests on using new commodity architectures for different applications and high-performance computing, this workshop will explore cutting-edge computing using these architectures. Some of the issues include:
Do these commodity architectures have the potential for a wide variety of applications and computing needs? What are their algorithmic and architectural niches and can they be broadened?
What are the major issues in terms of programmability, language and compiler support and software environments for these new commodity architectures?
What are some of the future technology trends that can lead to more widespread use of these commodity architectures?
How can these commodity architectures be used as a mainstream processor for high-performance computing?
How can these processors be used for other applications including database queries, data mining, physical simulation, etc.?