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SWIFT++ Publications and Video Demonstrations
Abstract: The need to perform fast and accurate proximity queries arises frequently in physically-based modeling, simulation, animation, real-time interaction within a virtual environment, and game dynamics. The set of proximity queries include intersection detection, tolerance verification, exact and approximate minimum distance computation, and (disjoint) contact determination. Specialized data structures and algorithms have often been designed to perform each type of query separately. We present a unified approach to perform any of these queries seamlessly for general, rigid polyhedral objects with boundary representations which are orientable 2-manifolds. The proposed method involves a hierarchical data structure built upon a surface decomposition of the models. Furthermore, the incremental query algorithm takes advantage of coherence between successive frames. It has been applied to complex benchmarks and compares very favorably with earlier algorithms and systems. |
Publications |
Notice: Copyrights to the following papers are held by the publishers.
Copies made available here are preprints. Please treat these materials
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law. |
Stephen A. Ehmann and Ming C. Lin
Accurate and Fast Proximity Queries between Polyhedra Using Surface Decomposition .pdf (1.0 MB) To appear in Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. of Eurographics), 2001. |
Video Demonstrations | |||||||||||||||
Principle Investigators |
Ming Lin |
Project Members |
Stephen Ehmann |
Related Projects |
UNC Collide Research Group |
GAMMA: UNC Research Group On Geometric Algorithms for Modeling and Motion Applications |
Funding Agencies |
DOE ASCI Award Army Research Office National Science Foundation Intel |
For more information, contact geom@cs.unc.edu
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