Sensation Preserving Haptic Rendering


Miguel A. Otaduy

Ming C. Lin

Abstract: The sense of touch is one of the most important sensory channels. The human tactile system provides a unique and bidirectional communication between humans and their physical environment.  Researchers have recently investigated the problem of rendering the contact forces and torques between 3D virtual objects. This problem is known as six-degreesof-freedom (6-DOF) haptic rendering, as the computed output includes both 3-DOF forces and 3-DOF torques. This article presents an overview of our work in this area. We suggest different approximation methods based on the principle of preserving the dominant perceptual factors in haptic exploration.



Sensation Preserving Haptic Rendering.

In IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, pp. 2-5. July/August. 2005.
Ming C. Lin and Miguel A. Otaduy

pdf file (409KB).


Full List of References.

Ming C. Lin and Miguel A. Otaduy

MS WORD (111KB).



Video 1 MS-MPEG4 (16.5MB).

Video 2 MS-MPEG4 (1.5MB).



Interactive Applications by GAMMA group.

SIGGRAPH Course on Haptic Rendering and Applications.

SR6DoF:  Stable and Responsive 6DOF Haptic Rendering.

Sensation Preserving Simplification for Haptic Rendering.

6DOF Haptic Texture Rendering between Complex Objects.

6DOF Haptic Rendering Using Localized Contact Computations.

Earlier Work on 6DOF Haptic Rendering.

CLODs: Dual Hierarchies for Multiresolution Collision Detection.

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last updated: 06/30/05