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Abstract: We present a novel approach for simulating the rigid body dynamics of a haptically manipulated object using implicit integration. Our formulation requires the linearization of contact and manipulation forces, and it provides higher stability and responsiveness than previous methods. The linearization of contact forces, coupled with fast, perceptually based collision detection algorithms, enables us to perform highly stable and responsive 6-degree-of-freedom haptic rendering of complex polygonal models.
A Modular Haptic Rendering Algorithm for Stable and Transparent 6-DoF Manipulation.
In IEEE Transactions on Robotics, Vol. 22(4), pp. 751-762. August 2006.
pdf file (900KB).
Stable and Responsive Six-Degree-of-Freedom Haptic Manipulation Using Implicit Integration.
In Proceedings of the World Haptics Conference (joint Haptics Symposium and Eurohaptics). Pisa, Italy 2005.
pdf file (1MB). |
Demonstration video MPEG4 (1.5MB). |
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