We present a global vector field computation algorithm in
configuration spaces for smooth feedback motion planning. Our algorithm
performs approximate cell decomposition in the configuration space and
approximates the free space using rectanguloid cells. We compute a
smooth local vector field for each cell in the free space and address
the issue of the smooth composition of the local vector fields between
the non-uniform adjacent cells. We show that the integral curve over
the computed vector field is guaranteed to converge to the goal
configuration, be collision-free, and maintain C∞ smoothness. As
compared to prior approaches, our algorithm works well on non-convex
robots and obstacles. We demonstrate its performance on planar robots
with 2 or 3 DOFs, articulated robots composed of 3 serial links and
multi-robot systems with 6 DOFs
Global Vector Field Computation for Feedback Motion Planning
Liangjun Zhang, Steven M. LaValle, Dinesh Manocha
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2009 PDF,
planning for a translating Gear-shaped
robot with 2 degrees of freedom (DOF)
decomposition in the robot's configuration space
A vector
field is
computed in the robot's free space. All integral curves over the vector
are guaranteed to converge to the goal.
Results and Videos
L-Shape: The computed vector field can guide
robot from any initial configuration to the goal. 3 DOFs, Video