Office of Naval Research
Information Technology
Naval Research Laboratory
Brief Biography:
Lawrence J. Rosenblum is Director of Virtual Reality (VR)
Systems and Research in the Information Technology Division of the Naval
Research Laboratory and Program Officer for Visualization and Computer Graphics
at the Office of Naval Research. He previously served as Associate Director for
Computer Science at the Office of Naval Research European Office. Rosenblum
received his Ph.D. in mathematics from the
Short Program
The ONR Visualization and Computer Graphics program considers topics in 3D visualization, broadly interpreted. The program includes 6.1 and 6.2 funding as well as special programs such as SBIR, OSD MURI, DEPSCOR, and DURIP. The current focus of the program is mobile augmented reality. Other topic areas that are or have recently been in the program include modeling methods for 3D data (level sets, volumetric, implicit functions, tetrahedron), 3D digital reconstruction of urban terrain, light reconstruction from photographs, simulation, and tracking technologies.