Control and Coordination for a Network of
Ground and Aerial Robots
Vijay Kumar
Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics
and Department of Computer and Information
GRASP Laboratory
The talk addresses the basic problems in the organization, coordination and
cooperation in a team of mobile robots equipped with sensors and wireless
network cards. I will discuss algorithms for discovery, cooperative
localization and cooperative control. Discovery involves the use of sensory
information to organize the robots into a mobile network allowing each robot to
establish its neighbors and, when necessary, one or more leaders. Cooperative
control is the task of achieving a desired formation shape and maintaining it.
Cooperative localization allows each robot to estimate its relative position
and orientation with respect to its neighbors and hence the formation shape.
Finally, I'll present analytical and experimental results for a team of nonholonomic, wheeled robots with omnidirectional
cameras, with applications to cooperative mapping and manipulation tasks.
Brief Biography:
VIJAY KUMAR received his M.Sc. and Ph.D. in
Mechanical Engineering from The Ohio State University in 1985 and 1987
respectively. He has been on the Faculty in the Department of Mechanical
Engineering and Applied Mechanics with a secondary appointment in the
Department of Computer and Information Science at the