Moving by Thinking: Progress Towards Cortical Neural Prosthetics
of Mechanical Engineering
Institute of Technology
This talk summarizes
our current efforts to develop a neural prosthetic that can drive a robotic or
prosthetic arm in order to aid the handicapped.
Our system's control signals are derived from electrodes situated in the
brain's Parietal Reach Region (PRR). The
PRR, whose function is briefly reviewed, encodes the brain's reach
intentions. Our probabilistic algorithms
for decoding the brain's intended reach plan from PRR signals are
summarized. We then describe our
experimental set-up for testing this concept on primate models. We conclude with preliminary experimental
results that demonstrate the possibility of using a neural prosthetic to
control external devices by pure thought alone.
Some of the implications of our findings on the general issue of
human-machine interfaces will be briefly considered.
Brief Biography:
Joel Burdick received his undergraduate
degrees in mechanical engineering and chemistry from Duke University and M.S.
and Ph.D. degrees in mechanical engineering from Stanford University. He has been with the department of Mechanical
Engineering at the California Institute of Technology since May 1988, where he
has been the recipient of the NSF Presidential Young Investigator award, the
Office of Naval Research Young Investigator award, and the Feynman
fellowship. Prof. Burdick has also
received the ASCIT award for excellence in undergraduate teaching and the GSA
award for excellence in graduate student education. He has been a finalist for the best paper
award for the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation in 1993,
1999, and 2000. He was the plenary speaker
at the National Academy of Engineering's annual meeting in 1999. Prof. Burdick was promoted to Associate
professor with tenure in 1994, and Professor in 2000. Since 2002, he has been a professor of BioEngineering.
Prof. Burdick's current research interests include robotic locomotion,
sensor based robot motion planning, multi-fingered robotic hand manipulation,
medical applications of robotics, applied nonlinear control theory, and neural