View-Registration for 3-D Model Generation from Sensor Data
Martial Hebert
Robotics Institute
Generation of accurate models from sensor data
is critical for constructing virtual environments. In this talk, I will explore
several aspects of the problem, emphasizing automatic construction of models,
i.e., with little or no human intervention. I will illustrate the discussion
with examples ranging from small-scale objects, such as 3-D models of desktop
objects, to larger models such as room-size maps, to models of extended areas,
such as terrain maps. Applications include the creation of virtual environment
for building mapping, mine inspection, and terrain map simulation.
All the examples share in common the same underlying
technology for automatic surface registration. I will discuss current status of
our approach to this problem. In particular, I will discuss the issues of
globally optimal and automatic registration and fusion of large number of
views, the manipulation of very large data sets, and the issues associated with
manipulating non-smooth surfaces. All of these issues are of paramount
importance from a practical standpoint but also lead to interesting scientific
Prof. Hebert is professor at the Robotics