What we've learned about Presence in Virtual Environments
Frederick P. Brooks, Jr.
Department of Computer
Abstract: The UNC-Chapel Hill
Effective Virtual Environments project, funded partly by the ONR Virte program, and partly by NIH, has undertaken to study
the properties and parameters of virtual environments quantitatively and
First, we had to develop
an objective, valid, reliable, and sensitive measure of effectiveness. We adapted an environment from Slater, et al, at University
College London, that corresponds to a stress-producing
real environment. Meehan showed that change in heart rate as one transitions
from a low-stress VE into a high-stress one is a suitable surrogate for
presence and a measure of effectiveness.
So far we (that is, the
graduate students of Mary Whitton and me) have
established or confirmed that:
1. Walking-in-place makes a more effective VE
interaction mode than flying, and there is strong evidence that real walking is
better yet. [Usoh]
2. Wider field of view produces both to better
sense of presence and better performance in spatial tasks. [Arthur]
3. Provision of even primitive passive haptic cues enhances presence and enhances maze-learning
performance. [Insko]
4. Natural interaction with real objects (as
opposed to virtual models) improves performance in a manual spatial arrangement
task. It does not seem to enhance presence. [Lok]
5. Users walking in both HMD and cave VEs can be imperceptibly rotated so that their virtual
travel domains are substantially larger than the real tracked areas. [Razzaque]
6. End-to-end system latency really matters for
HMD systems, even at quite good latencies.
To be precise, presence is significantly enhanced in an immersive VE with 50 ms delays
over that same system with 90 ms delays. [Razzaque
and Meehan]
7. A pilot study showed little difference in
presence between users in a VE with complex geometry, exposed to a visually
faithful VE, a VE of limited visual fidelity, and a VE with arbitrary texturing
and no illumination. [Zimmons]
Brief Biography:
Fred Brooks is Kenan Professor of Computer Science at the
He joined IBM upon
graduation and was one of the architects of the IBM Stretch and Harvest
computers. From 1961-65 he was Corporate
Project Manager for the System/360, including development of the System/360
computer family hardware, and the Operating System/360 software. For this work he shared the 1985 National
Medal of Technology with Bob Evans and Erich Bloch.
He joined UNC in 1964,
where he founded the Department of Computer Science and chaired it for its first
20 years. His research has been in
computer architecture, software engineering, and interactive 3-D computer
graphics ("virtual reality"). His best-known book is The Mythical
Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering (1975, 1995); his latest is Blaauw and Brooks, Computer Architecture: Concepts and
Evolution, (1997).
Dr. Brooks has served on
the National Science Board and the Defense Science Board. He is a member of the National Academy of
Engineering, National Academy of Sciences, the Royal Academy of Engineering (
He became a Christian at
age 31. He and Mrs. Brooks are faculty
advisors for a graduate-student chapter of InterVarsity
Christian Fellowship.