Road Network Library
With growing interest in adapting simulation technology for the analysis, planning, and design of new transportation infrastructures and traffic management systems, efficient and accurate creation of 3D models of complex road networks using commonly available GIS data consisting of polylines is needed for realistic, large-scale urban traffic simulation. Road Network is a library consisted of efficient, automatic methods for extrapolating a road map from a GIS database to automatically create a geometrically correct and topologically consistent 3D model of large-scale road network to be readily used in a real-time traffic simulation, interactive visualization of virtual world, and autonomous vehicle navigation. The resulting model representation also provides important road features for traffic simulations, including smoothly connected ramps, highways, overpasses, legal merge zones, and intersections with arbitrary states and is independent of the simulation methodologies.
Arc Road - Most GIS data sets contain polyline roads with minimal attributes, our library can transform polyline roads into smooth roads with user specified number of lanes.
GIS Data Processing - The library can interpret OpenStreetMaps files into a road network representation.
Obj Model - The library can export an obj model of the interpreted road network which is ready for 3D rendering purposes.
Please fill out the request form to download the library.
ZIP archive, 4.1 MB
When using any part of this software, the authors would appreciate your acknowledgement and citation credit to the following published work:Virtualized Traffic at Metropolitan Scales
Frontiers in Robotics and AI 2015
Flow Reconstruction for Data-Driven Traffic Animation
Interactive Hybrid Simulation of Large-Scale Traffic
SIGGRAPH Asia 2011
Transforming GIS Data into Functional Road Models for Large-Scale Traffic Simulation
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG) 2010
Continuum Traffic Simulation
Eurographics 2010
This work is supported in part by NSF and UNC Arts & Science Foundation.
GAMMA GroupTraffic Simulation, Reconstruction, and Route Planning at the GAMMA Group