Compiling RVO2 Library

We assume that you have downloaded RVO2 Library and unpacked the ZIP archive to a path $RVO_ROOT.

Apple Xcode 3.x

Open $RVO_ROOT/RVO.xcodeproj and select the RVO target and a configuration (Debug or Release). A framework RVO.framework will be built in the default build directory, e.g. $RVO_ROOT/build/Release.


Create and switch to your chosen build directory, e.g. $RVO_ROOT/build. Run cmake inside the build directory on the source directory, e.g. cmake $RVO_ROOT/src. Build files for the default generator for your platform will be generated in the build directory.

GNU Make

Switch to the source directory $RVO_ROOT/src and run make. Public header files (RVO.h, RVOSimulator.h, and Vector2.h) will be copied to the $RVO_ROOT/include directory and a static library libRVO.a will be compiled into the $RVO_ROOT/lib directory.

Microsoft Visual Studio 2008

Open $RVO_ROOT/RVO.sln and select the RVO project and a configuration (Debug, ReleaseST, or ReleaseMT). Public header files (RVO.h, RVOSimulator.h, and Vector2.h) will be copied to the $RVO_ROOT/include directory and a static library, e.g. RVO.lib, will be compiled into the $RVO_ROOT/lib directory.