Rendering Curved Surfaces
Accelerated Walkthrough of Large Spline Models (13 pages PostScript,
1.1MB; Acrobat
387K) S. Kumar, D. Manocha, H. Zhangh, K. Hoff Proc. of ACM Interactive
3D Symposium, 1997 , to appear.
Interactive Rendering of Parametric Spline Surfaces (136 pages PostScript,
1.6MB) Ph.D. thesis, S. Kumar, Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill,
Dec 96.
Scalable Algorithms for Interactive Visualization of Curved Surfaces
(18 pages PostScript,
353K; Acrobat,
279K) S. Kumar, C. Chang and D. Manocha, Proc. of SuperComputing'96
(received best student paper award) .
Interactive Display of Large-Scaled NURBS models (35 pages PostScript,
1485K; Acrobat
679K) S. Kumar and D. Manocha and A. Lastra, IEEE Transactions on
Visualization and Computer Graphics 2(4), pp. 323-336 , 1996.
Efficient Rendering of Trimmed NURBS models (27 pages PostScript,
211K; Acrobat,
351K) S. Kumar and D. Manocha, Computer-Aided Design (special issue),
Interactive Display of Large-Scaled NURBS models (13 pages PostScript,
2400K; Acrobat
718K, Interactive 3D Conference Version) S. Kumar, D. Manocha and A.
Lastra, Proceedings of ACM Interactive 3D Graphics Conference ,
pp. 51-58, 1995.
High Speed and High Fidelity Visualization of Complex CSG Models (23
pages, PostScript,
330K; Acrobat
325K) S. Kumar, S. Krishnan, D. Manocha and A. Narkhede. BCS International
Conference on Visualization and Modeling, Leeds, UK, 1995.
Hierarchical Visibility Culling for Spline Models ( pages, PostScript,
900K) S. Kumar and D. Manocha. Graphics Interface, Toronto, Canada,
UNC Research Group on Modeling,
Physically-Based Simulation and Applications
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