3D Benchmark Results |
Overview This page contains a comparison of two planning techniques, Uniform and Voronoi Based. Uniform sampling refers to an implementation of a probabilistic roadmap planner using a uniform sampling approach. The Voronoi Based Planner is identical to the Uniform sampler in every way, except that sampling is biased toward the medial axis using Hardware accelerated voronoi computations.
Benchmark 4 - 3D environment requiring the robot (a block) to
move from one open are to the other by traversing a single channel. The
channel provides for a narrow passage that is narrow mostly in workspace. Tunnel Diameter is: .1 on a side. |
Benchmark 5 - A 3D environment similar to the one in Benchmark
4, but much more difficult. The robot (again a simple block) must navigate
through a single channel that spirals through the workspace. The environment
is more difficult because the "elbows" cause multiple tight
passages in configuration space. Tunnel Diameter is: .1 on a side. |
Benchmark 6 - A 3D environment with attempting to guide a
piano through a window.. Scenario (a) - Piano must move from red to blue, moving through the
window. |
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last updated: 12/12/1999