Interactive Virtual Hair Salon
Kelly Ward Nico Galoppo Ming C. Lin

User interaction with animated hair is desirable for various applications but difficult because it requires real-time animation and rendering of hair. Hair modeling, including styling, simulation, and rendering, is computationally challenging due to the enormous number of deformable hair strands on a human head, elevating the computational complexity of many essential steps, such as collision detection and self-shadowing for hair. Using multi-resolution simulation techniques and graphics hardware rendering acceleration, we have developed a physically-based virtual hair salon system that simulates and renders hair at accelerated rates, enabling users to interactively style virtual hair. With a 3D haptic interface, users can directly manipulate and position hair strands, as well as employ real-world styling applications (cutting, blow-drying, etc.) to create hairstyles more intuitively than previous techniques.
[Publications | Images | Related Work | Videos ]

  • Interactive Virtual Hair Salon.
    Kelly Ward, Nico Galoppo, and Ming C. Lin. in PRESENCE, 2007.

  • A Simulation-based VR System for Interactive Hairstyling.
    Kelly Ward, Nico Galoppo, and Ming C. Lin. Proc. of IEEE VR 2006, Applications and Research Sketches.

Figure 1: Comparison of real (top) and virtual (bottom) use of common hair salon activities.
(from left to right) (1) Dry hair (2) Applying water (3) Some wet, some dry hair (4) Blow-drying hair
User Interface Hairstyle
Figure 2: User Interface - PHANToM provides 3D user input. Figure 3: Hairstyle interactively created with this system.
Dancing #1 Dancing #2
Figure 4: Dancing Sequence
Running #1 Running #2 Running #3 Running #4
Figure 5: Running Sequence

Related Work
  • Modeling Hair Influenced by Water and Styling Products.
    Kelly Ward, Nico Galoppo, and Ming C. Lin. Proc. of Computer Animation and Social Agents, 2004.
    Project Website (Acrobat)

  • Adaptive Grouping and Subdivision for Simulating Hair Dynamics.
    Kelly Ward and Ming C. Lin. Proc. of Pacific Graphics, 2003. Project Website (Acrobat) (PostScript)

  • Modeling Hair Using Level-of-Detail Representations.
    Kelly Ward, Ming C. Lin, Joohi Lee, Susan Fisher, and Dean Macri. Proc. of Computer Animation and Social Agents, 2003.
    Project Website (Acrobat)


Click on the images to view the videos.


Cutting This video shows the real-time performance of the Interactive Virtual Hair Salon system.

Running This video illustrates hairstyles created with the interactive system used for human motion animation. Dancing
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