Solid Modeling and Intersection Computations
Exact Boundary Evaluation for Curved Solids
John Keyser
PhD Dissertation, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Thesis WWW page
Efficient and Exact Manipulation of Algebraic Points and Curves.
John Keyser, Tim Culver, Dinesh Manocha, Shankar Krishnan.
Computer Aided Design.
Vol 32, No. 11. pp. 649-662. 2000.
Special Issue on Robustness.
(Preliminary versions are available as "MAPC: A library for Efficient and
Exact Manipulation of Algebraic Points and Curve" or as UNC-CS Technical
Report TR98-038
[compressed Postscript]
(Preprint or electronic version available by request)
PRECISE: Efficient Multiprecision Evaluation of Algebraic Roots and
Shankar Krishnan, Mark Foskey, Tim Culver, John Keyser, Dinesh Manocha.
Technical Report TR00-008, Department of Computer Science, University
of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. 2000.
[compressed Postscript]
Efficient and Accurate B-rep Generation of Low Degree Sculptured Solids
Using Exact Arithmetic: I -- Representations,
John Keyser, Shankar Krishnan, Dinesh Manocha.
Computer Aided Geometric Design. Vol 16, No. 9. pp. 841-859.
October, 1999.
(Preliminary versions are available as "Efficient and Accurate B-rep
Generation of Low Degree Sculptured Solids using Exact Arithmetic"
or as UNC-CS Technical Report TR96-040.
[compressed Postscript]
(Preprint or electronic version available by request)
Efficient and Accurate B-rep Generation of Low Degree Sculptured Solids
Using Exact Arithmetic: II -- Computation.
John Keyser, Shankar Krishnan, Dinesh Manocha.
Computer Aided Geometric Design. Vol 16, No. 9. pp. 861-882.
October, 1999.
(Preliminary versions are available as "Efficient and Accurate B-rep
Generation of Low Degree Sculptured Solids using Exact Arithmetic"
or as UNC-CS Technical Report TR96-040.
[compressed Postscript]
(Preprint or electronic version available by request)
Fast Computation of Generalized Voronoi Diagrams Using Graphics
Kenneth E. Hoff III, Tim Culver, John Keyser, Ming Lin, Dinesh
Technical Report TR99-011, Department of Computer
Science, University of N. Carolina, Chapel Hill.
Computer Graphics Annual Conference Series (SIGGRAPH 1999).
MAPC: A library for Efficient and Exact Manipulation of Algebraic
Points and Curves. (Postscript)
John Keyser, Tim Culver, Dinesh Manocha, Shankar Krishnan.
Technical Report TR98-038, Department of Computer
Science, University of N. Carolina, Chapel Hill.
Appeared in Proc. Fifteenth Annual Symposium on Computational
Geometry, pp. 360-369, 1999.
Accurate Computation of the Medial Axis of a Polyhedron.
Tim Culver, John Keyser, Dinesh Manocha.
Technical Report TR98-034, Department of Computer
Science, University of N. Carolina, Chapel Hill.
Appeared in Proc. Fifth Symposium on Solid Modeling and
Applications, pp. 179-190, 1999.
Fast and Accurate Boundary Evaluation of Low-Degree Sculptured Solids
Postscript, 20 pages, 69K;
PDF, 20 pages, 212K;
J. Keyser, S. Krishnan, D. Manocha and T. Culver
Proceedings of
IMA Conference on Mathematics of Surfaces (Invited Paper).
Efficient and Reliable Computation with Algebraic Numbers for Geometric
Algorithms (29 pages,
PostScript, 191K ) J. Keyser, S. Krishnan,
D. Manocha, T. Culver, Technical Report TR98-012, Department of Computer
Science, University of N. Carolina, Chapel Hill.
Interactive Boundary Computation of Boolean Combinations of Sculptured
Solids (12 pages, PostScript,
474K ; PDF,
173K )S. Krishnan, M. Gopi, D. Manocha and M. Mine. To appear in Proc.
of Eurographics'97.
Efficient and Accurate B-rep Generation of Low Degree Sculptured Solids
using Exact Arithmetic (14 pages, PostScript,
138K; PDF
284K) J. Keyser, S. Krishnan, D. Manocha, Appeared in Proceedings
of ACM Solid Modeling '97, pp. 42-55.
Efficient B-rep Generation of Low Degree Sculptured Solids Using Exact
Artihmetic (35 pages, PostScript,
245K ; PDF,
) J. Keyser, S. Krishnan, D. Manocha, Technical Report TR96-040, Department
of Computer Science, University of N. Carolina, Chapel Hill. To appear
in Proc. of ACM Solid Modeling'97.
An Efficient Surface Intersection Algorithm based on Lower Dimensional
Formulation (33 pages, PostScript,
470K; PDF,
285K )S. Krishnan and D. Manocha, ACM Trans. on Computer Graphics
, 16(1), pp. 74-106, 1997.
BOOLE: A System to Compute Boolean Combinations of Sculptured Solids
(24 pages, PostScript,
457K; PDF
322K) S. Krishnan and D. Manocha, Technical Report TR95-008, Department
of Computer Science, University of N. Carolina, Chapel Hill. Proc. of
Algebraic Loop Detection and Evaluation Algorithms for Curve and Surface
Interrogations (20 pages, PostScript,
227K; PDF,
356K ) S. Krishnan and D. Manocha. Proc. of Graphics Interface'96, pp. 87-94
Numeric-Symbolic Algorithms for Evaluating One-Dimensional Algebraic
Sets (9 pages, PostScript,
154K; PDF
245K) S. Krishnan and D. Manocha, Proceedings of International Symposium
on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation , pp. 59-67, 1995.
Representation and Computation of Boolean Combinations of Sculptured
Models(2 pages, PostScript,
194K; PDF
115K) S. Krishnan, A. Narkhede and D. Manocha, Proceedings of the
Eleventh Annual Symposium on Computational Geometry , 1995.
High Speed and High Fidelity Visualization of Complex CSG Models (23
pages, PostScript,
330K; PDF
325K) S. Kumar, S. Krishnan, D. Manocha and A. Narkhede BCS International
Conference on Visualization and Modeling, Leeds, UK , 1995.
Algebraic Pruning: A Fast Technique for Curve and Surface Intersection
(20 pages, PostScript,
77K; PDF
206K) D. Manocha and S. Krishnan, Computer-Aided Geometric Design
, pp. 1-23, vol. 20, 1997.
Algorithms for Intersecting Parametric and Algebraic Curves II: Multiple
Intersections (45 pages, PostScript,
231K; PDF
373K) D. Manocha and J. Demmel, Computer Vision, Graphics and Image
Processing: Graphical Models and Image Processing , vol., 57, no. 2,
pp. 81-100, 1995.
Algorithms for Intersecting Parametric and Algebraic Curves I: Simple
Intersections (31 pages, PostScript,
133K; PDF
277K) D. Manocha and J. Demmel, ACM Transactions on Graphics ,
vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 73-100, 1994.
A New Approach for Surface Intersection (25 pages, PostScript,
108K; PDF
222K) D. Manocha and J. Canny, International Journal of Computational
Geometry and Applications , vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 491-516, 1991.
UNC Research Group on Modeling,
Physically-Based Simulation and Applications
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