CAB: Fast Update of OBB Trees for Collision Detection Between Articulated Bodies | |||
Harald Schmidl | Nolan Walker | Ming C. Lin |
Abstract:Our work presents a new, faster oriented bounding box (OBB) algorithm which is especially helpful and beneficial for building box hierarchies for articulated, human-like figures. One of the largest critiques of using OBBs is that they can be very slow to update. Our main contribution lies in the fast update of the box hierarchy when the joints in the articulation hierarchy are updated. Our method provides a comparable fit to other methods of calculating loose fitting OBBs but with considerably faster speed.
Videos | ||||
The following videos show the results we have obtained by using our OBB merging technique. Each video shows two colliding chains using different bounding volume tests. Click on the links to view the videos.
Publications |
Click on the link to view the paper. The original manuscript appeared in Journal of Graphics Tools 9(2):1-9, 2004.
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