Turtle ArtNova: Touch-Enabled 3D Model Design 
Mark Foskey foskey@cs.unc.edu
Miguel A. Otaduy otaduy@cs.unc.edu
Ming C. Lin lin@cs.unc.edu

Abstract: We present a system, ArtNova, for 3D model design with a haptic interface. ArtNova offers the novel capability of interactively applying textures onto 3D surfaces directly by brush strokes, with the orientation of the texture determined by the stroke. Building upon the framework of an earlier system, inTouch, it further provides an intuitive physically-based force response when deforming a model. This system also uses a user-centric viewing technique that seamlessly integrates the haptic and visual presentation, by taking into account the user's haptic manipulation in dynamically determining the new viewpoint locations. Our algorithm permits automatic placement of the user viewpoint to navigate about the object, or to reposition the viewpoint. ArtNova has been tested by several users and they were able to start modeling and painting with just a few minutes of training. Preliminary user feedback indicates promising potential for 3D texture painting and modeling.
ArtNova: Touch-Enabled 3D Model Design
PDF (1.6 MB), Video (MPEG-1, 63 MB)

Mark Foskey, Miguel A. Otaduy and Ming C. Lin

Bull Tree Torus Beast Fish Liver
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Last updated: May 11, 2001